SMC reset and Trim Enabler, a bad combination
Did you apply Trim Enabler patch? Did a SMC/PRAM/NVRAM reset turned your mac unbootable?
If you are stuck at boot you can try to disable trim via Recovery Partition or a bootable OSX Installation USB drive.
Boot into Recovery ( CMD + R ) and open Terminal utility. Type as follows:
rm -rf /Volumes/MyMainMacDiskDriveName/System/Library/Extensions/IOAHCIFamily.kext cp /System/Library/Extensions/IOAHCIFamily.kext /Volumes/MyMainMacDiskDriveName/System/Library/Extensions/IOAHCIFamily.kext touch /Volumes/MyMainMacDiskDriveName/System/Library/Extensions kextcache -u /Volumes/MyMainMacDiskDriveName/
Note: if your 10.10 Partition has a name like “Macintosh SSD” you must enter /Macintosh\ SSD/
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